San Francisco Vintners Market 5 Comes Alive! (Big Discount!)

I attend a large number wine events. That might even be an understatement, to which my fine readers can attest! Thus, I feel that it's saying something to describe an upcoming wine event as one of my favorite series of wine events, ever. The San Francisco Vintners Market (Twitter, Facebook, WineLog) wine tastings are those exact events: totally fun, onsite wine purchasing available, and of course, fantastic wines to taste in unlimited amounts. And lucky readers, for round 5 (DING) of the #SFVM, I now have a fat discount so you cats can partake!

SF Vintners Market: Tasting AND Buying!

San Francisco Vintners MarketEvery once in awhile--wait, scratch that. Every few months it seems now, someone comes up with something exciting, new and innovating in the world of wine. In this particular case, that new and innovative wine thing is a brand, spanking new wine event format! The people that have been slinging the wine juggernaut known as Wine 2.0 (Twitter) for years are now behind the inaugural event known as the San Francisco Vintners Market. Just why is this event so amazing and different from the many wonderful wine events that are held at Fort Mason in SF each and every year? Well...just read a little further why don't you??
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