Many of you delightful readers
may remember a very cool pilot project that I worked on late last year called
Le Wine Buff, part of
Enjoy Bordeaux (
Facebook). Sponsored by the
Bordeaux Wine Council (
CIVB), it was an innovative re-introduction of affordable Bordeaux wine to the American public. As one of the six original "Le Wine Buff's", I helped spread the word about the great
value and
QPR that can be found in red, white and dessert
Bordeaux wines at all price points below $25 via
FAQ and
live video chat. The program took a winter break to expand and get even better and we're now ready to relaunch our BDX mission!
Look for an expanded schedule of
live video chat from our team of six 'Buffs.
I'll be starting off the new program 05/03/10 with my time slot every Monday night, 7-10pm PST. If you need a refresher, check out this great Preview of previous footage by Le Wine Buff Mollie.
Simply sign up and become a member to participate in any of our video chat sessions. You can follow the
Twitter feed of with the hash tag