5th Annual New York Wine Expo 2012
It's not everyday that you can walk around and try wines from a bunch of countries, all in one nifty location. OK true, Walt Disney World's Epcot World Showcase is a pretty dang good time, regardless of whether you try wines from each country. But I can't think of another fully awesome wine experience that can compare to over 600 wines from 12+ countries, all for one single ticket price. The 5th Annual New York Wine Expo is your portal for crazy, round-the-world, like-a-G6-style wine tasting!
What does that actually translate to in actual wineries on this fine weekend of March 2-4, you might ask...how about 150+ vintners, along with tons of gourmet food booths, and numerous wine seminars with which to treat your favorite Vinopanion. Now, it's only because I like you, but I have a special gift: type in the code VINOPANION for $15 off Friday night's festivities!
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