Hello Vino & @drXeNo!

Hello Vino iPhone AppFollowing a dizzying string of new partnerships between WineLog, myself and other fine and fun wine partners, we are now part of a very cool and useful iPhone app that has been newly relaunched.  Hello Vino takes the hard part out of picking a wine while on the go to whole ‘nother level.  Choose a pairing based on the food on the menu in front of you, choose the food for the glass you just ordered at the wine bar or just search for a distinct wine style or producer…all taken care of very quickly.  It’s also all dialed in to your favorite social networks (their on Twitter themselves) so that you can brag to educate all of your friends about your synergistic food and wine choice.  If you pairing is a match made in digestive heaven, you can even buy the wine straight from your iPhone.

Hello Vino Vinopanion Wine Review Screen CaptureThe innovative folks at Hello Vino have launched a new feature on the app which features wine reviews and blog posts about many of the favorite wines in their database.  I have a number of wine reviews up there already, as do many of my superbly talented vinopanions, such as Notes From the Cellar‘s Steve Paulo (Twitter), Luscious Lush Thea Dwelle (Twitter) and 1WineDude’s Joe Roberts (Twitter, Twitter2).  The Chicago Tribune’s Bill Daley (Twitter) also has a number of reviews on the site.  I highly recommend downloading this intuitive wine app and adding it to your arsenal of iPhone apps.

Let me know what you think about the new features in the comments below!

Vinopanion: Ward Kadel - @drXeNo

View posts by Vinopanion: Ward Kadel - @drXeNo
Ward Kadel - @drXeNo is the founder of Vinopanion wine blog, former West Coast Ambassador & Staff Blogger for WineLog.net and former Le Wine Buff for Bordeaux.com (CIVB). He will try any and all wines and tends to write about the parts of his life that include wine...like virtually all of it! He and his wife grew up in Napa and Sonoma and they still live in the Napa Valley. Check out the wines he's recommended with his WKBadges. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram and Like #Vinopanion on Facebook. Contact him: "Ward at WineLog.net". Ward happily accepts samples but does not guarantee a review, positive or negative.


  1. jason
    May 27, 2010

    Congrats to you (and us as well I guess). Goes to show that quality content will get attention. You’re one of the best.

  2. Ward Kadel - @drXeNo
    May 27, 2010

    Thanks Jason, I appreciate your kind comments. I’m excited for the new audience we can reach for WineLog, as well!

  3. Hello Vino
    May 28, 2010

    Such a pleasure to work with you, Ward – you’re reviews and articles are an amazing contribution to the Hello Vino app. Thanks for being a part of it!!

    – Rick from Hello Vino

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hello Vino, Ward Kadel – @drXeNo. Ward Kadel – @drXeNo said: #Vinopanion, @WineLog & @HelloVino ratchet up the #iPhone #wine app world: http://bit.ly/b0zTrD @StevePaulo @WineBratSF @VinTank #fb […]

  5. wcdarbonne
    February 19, 2011

    Thanks for the tip drXeNo! I will now have access to all the great info/reviews from WineLog via Hello Vino wherever I go.

    1. FadEd
      March 23, 2012

      Happy Thanksgiving! I love the idea of allowing etgsus to choose the wine of their preference; as you say, it takes away any stress over doing what’s right and creates a more fun environment. I think Shadow is a terrific addition to any of your videos by the way!!

  6. […] recent count at 450+, as of 04/14/2011.  Indeed, my own content is distributed on two mobile apps, Hello Vino and Wine by the Bar.  With that many apps out there for a very specific genre, you can imagine […]


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